Короткий опис(реферат):
The political situation nowadays reguires the teacher to have proper knowledge and skills in conducting educational activity taking into account regional and ethnic trends, overcoming ethnic and national tension on the principles of human rights, eguality of national cultures in pedagogical, child, pupil, student and parent associations within educational establishments. Having studied the reguirements of modern multicultural education, we hawe come to the conclusion that the ethnic and pedagogical component of the teatchers professional training has to be prioritised and not be an extra element of the scientific and pedagogical structure. It mainly concerns Transcarpathia as one of the multinational regions of Ukraine.
Суть розробки, основні результати:
Chovriy, S. Training primary school teachers-to-be for professional activity in a polyethnic region / S. Chovriy
// Premeny skoly a ucitelske vzdelavanie v historickom kontexte a nove perspektivy : zbornik prispevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinarodnou ucastou organizovanou Pedagogickou fakultou Presovskej univerzity v Presove pri prilezitosti 70. vyrocia zalozenia Pedagogickej fakulty v Presove (6. – 7. februar 2019.). - Presov, 2019. - P. 148-155.