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Psychological Analysis of Frustration, Resources, And Acculturation Strategies Among Students – Potential Migrants From Ukraine

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dc.contributor.author Hoshovskyi, Jaroslav
dc.contributor.author Hoshovskа, Dariia
dc.contributor.author Bretsko, Iryna
dc.contributor.author Брецко, Ірина Іванівна
dc.contributor.author Finiv, Olga
dc.contributor.author Shmarova, Natalia
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-24T14:52:27Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-24T14:52:27Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9425
dc.description Psychological Analysis of Frustration, Resources, And Acculturation Strategies Among Students – Potential Migrants From Ukraine / J. Hoshovskyi, D. Hoshovskа, I.Bretsko, O.Finiv, and N.Shmarova // Youth Voice Journal, ISSN (online). - 2022. - Р. 2056-2969 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The article highlights the psychological features of young Ukrainian people who, as a result of the negative impact of military operations and economic deprivation, have migration intentions. It has been established that material poverty and economic deprivation stimulate non-constructive behavior, which reduces the incentive and motivational potential of a young person, leads to maladaptation, stress, frustration, and other disorganizing emotional states. Students feel the need to emigrate to other countries. They show a high level of psychological and emotional burnout, excessive psychological protection, impulsivity and uncertainty about the future. The following most important social and psychological resources of the studied students with migration intentions have been established. An important role belongs to social and family resources - the presence of relatives, friends and acquaintances who are already abroad in labor migration and will be able to help adapt to a new place with housing, job searches, establishing cooperation with employers, the local population, etc. Social and economic resources are named as important, in particular, the means and property brought with them, which are necessary for “ensuring survival” during the adaptation period. Young people also rely on active-qualifying resources as a belief in their own professional ability and readiness to take on any difficulty, but highly paid (compared to Ukrainian salaries) work. Five main acculturation strategies that young people with migration intentions plan to follow have been identified and interpreted - integration, separation, assimilation. marginalization, self-actualization. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject potential migration uk_UA
dc.subject young people with migration intentions uk_UA
dc.subject frustration uk_UA
dc.subject economic deprivation uk_UA
dc.subject resources and acculturation strategies uk_UA
dc.subject потенційна міграція uk_UA
dc.subject молодь з міграційними намірами uk_UA
dc.subject фрустрація uk_UA
dc.subject економічна депривація uk_UA
dc.subject ресурси та стратегії акультурації uk_UA
dc.title Psychological Analysis of Frustration, Resources, And Acculturation Strategies Among Students – Potential Migrants From Ukraine uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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