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Features of Investment Support for the Process of Digitalization of Socio-Economic Systems in the Context of Strengthening International Economic Relations

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.author Yatsko, Maksym
dc.contributor.author Panfilova, Yanina
dc.contributor.author Zozuliak, Marta
dc.contributor.author Зозуляк, Марта Михайлівна
dc.contributor.author Koval, Oleksandr
dc.contributor.author Golubka, Yaroslav
dc.date.accessioned 2022-09-13T09:49:07Z
dc.date.available 2022-09-13T09:49:07Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9083
dc.description Maksym Yatsko Features of Investment Support for the Process of Digitalization of Socio-Economic Systems in the Context of Strengthening International Economic Relations / Maksym Yatsko, Yanina Panfilova, Marta Zozuliak, Oleksandr Koval, Yaroslav Golubka // International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. - VOL.22 No.7, July 2022. - Р. 29-34 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The innovative process of digitalization and creation of innovation from an idea to its commercialization requires certain financial costs, labor and mental efforts. The amount of investment (corporate and public) is the most important imperative to enhance innovation and is traditionally considered as the main "input" indicators of the development of innovation infrastructure, in this case, the financial infrastructure of innovation. At the same time, the modern theory of innovation development assumes a systematic approach to the organization of innovation activity, which provides for the close interaction of several subsystems: human (including intellectual) potential, financial and technological capital, as well as relevant institutions and methods of regulation.. Thus, the main task of the study is to analyze the features of investment support for the process of digitalization of socio-economic systems in the context of strengthening international economic relations. As a result of the study, current trends and prerequisites of investment support for the process of digitalization of socio-economic systems in the context of strengthening international economic relations were revealed. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject digitalization uk_UA
dc.subject socio-economic systems uk_UA
dc.subject investment support uk_UA
dc.subject financial infrastructure uk_UA
dc.subject innovation sphere uk_UA
dc.subject цифровізація uk_UA
dc.subject соціально-економічні системи uk_UA
dc.subject підтримка інвестицій uk_UA
dc.subject фінансова інфраструктура uk_UA
dc.subject інноваційна сфера uk_UA
dc.title Features of Investment Support for the Process of Digitalization of Socio-Economic Systems in the Context of Strengthening International Economic Relations uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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