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University preparation of graduates of pedagogy to act as an early childhood education teacher. Self-assessment of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Ukrainian students

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.author Kruszewska, Aleksandra
dc.contributor.author Fasnerová, Martina
dc.contributor.author Bernátová, Renáta
dc.contributor.author Lavrenova, Maria
dc.contributor.author Лавренова, Марія Василівна
dc.date.accessioned 2021-09-15T06:22:26Z
dc.date.available 2021-09-15T06:22:26Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8583
dc.description Kruszewska А. University preparation of graduates of pedagogy to act as an early childhood education teacher. Self-assessment of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Ukrainian students / Aleksandra Kruszewska, Martina Fasnerová, Renáta Bernátová, Maria Lavrenova // European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. - 2021. - Р. 1-13 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract In the survey conducted among graduates of pedagogical faculties of four universities: in Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine, differences were found in the self-assessment of professional competence acquired in the course of studies. This study contributes to future deliberations, emphasising the importance of curricular and systemic changes, i.e. moving away from the system of teacher education in the 3 + 2 model (3 years of undergraduate studies /BA/ + 2 years of graduate studies /MA/ ). The right to exercise the teaching profession should be vested in a person with a uniform master’s degree programme. The findings point to the need to develop tools to assess the professional competence of future teachers. The interview or the job interview itself does not fully reflect the real skills for the profession. For example, pedagogical talent and personality predispositions of candidates for teachers are not examined. This survey is of great importance for educational authorities, as well as for the design of teacher education programmes and for school teachers across Europe. It concludes by calling for greater control and selection in the recruitment of students of pedagogy, in particular pre-school and early school education. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject рreparation for the profession uk_UA
dc.subject teacher uk_UA
dc.subject professional competence uk_UA
dc.subject models of teacher education uk_UA
dc.subject підготовка до професії uk_UA
dc.subject вчитель uk_UA
dc.subject професійна компетентність uk_UA
dc.subject моделі освіти вчителів uk_UA
dc.title University preparation of graduates of pedagogy to act as an early childhood education teacher. Self-assessment of Polish, Czech, Slovak and Ukrainian students uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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