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Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Implementation of Model of the Value Attitude to Health

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dc.contributor.author Kryshtanovych, Myroslav
dc.contributor.author Kotyk, Tetiana
dc.contributor.author Tiurina, Tamara
dc.contributor.author Kovrei, Dora
dc.contributor.author Коврей, Дора
dc.contributor.author Dzhanda, Halyna
dc.contributor.author Джанда, Галина
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-08T07:22:24Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-08T07:22:24Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8133
dc.description M. Kryshtanovych Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Implementation of Model of the Value Attitude to Health / Myroslav Kryshtanovych, Tetiana Kotyk, Tamara Tiurina, Dora Kovrei, Halyna Dzhanda // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience. - 2020, Volume 11, Issue 2, Sup.1. - Р.127-138 | uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Preserving health is one of the most difficult problems that requires consideration and solution at all levels of the study of human life, both in the context of psychological, analytical and pedagogical. Today, a strategy for improving and promoting health is considered a medical problem and boils down to treating patients only. Unfortunately, measures that can positively affect people's health: disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and attitudes toward “healthy” behaviour are clearly not popularized today. In solving the task of health conservation, it is important to apply the efforts of the whole society and the responsible attitude of each person to personal health and to the health of the people around her. Today, there is a close relationship between education and health, as the level of education to a large extent determines the level of literacy on health issues. The cultivation of the value of health, the desire to preserve and strengthen it, acts as a pedagogical problem. Higher education institutions are an ideal place to promote a healthy future and support the development of their own health-oriented lifestyle. For the formation of this paradigm in the student mind, an important element is the recognition of the importance of the psychological aspect of this issue, as well as the proper use of elements of cognitive psychology in this process. The presented study will enable representatives of higher educational institutions, as well as interested persons in maintaining the health of future specialists of various industries, to quickly and efficiently introduce the principles of a value-based attitude to their own health into their own educational process. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject health uk_UA
dc.subject determinants of health uk_UA
dc.subject cognitive psychology uk_UA
dc.subject pedagogical aspect uk_UA
dc.subject motive uk_UA
dc.subject higher educational institution uk_UA
dc.title Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of the Implementation of Model of the Value Attitude to Health uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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