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Strategic priorities and effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy for sustainable agricultural development in Ukraine

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dc.contributor.author Stehnei, M. I.
dc.contributor.author Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна
dc.contributor.author Irtysheva, I. O.
dc.contributor.author Іртишева, І. О.
dc.contributor.author Boiko, Y. O.
dc.contributor.author Бойко, Є. О.
dc.contributor.author Khaustova, K. M.
dc.contributor.author Хаустова, Ксенія Михайлівна
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-19T10:58:35Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-19T10:58:35Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6846
dc.description Stehnei M. I. Strategic priorities and effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy for sustainable agricultural development in Ukraine / M. I. Stehnei, I. O. Irtysheva, Y. Boiko [et al.] // Viesoji politika ir administravimas : public policy and administration. – Vilnius, 2019. – T 18, Nr. 2. – P. 195-208 en_US
dc.description.abstract Solving the current economic, social and environmental problems in the domestic agricultural sector requires a comprehensive strategic approach mutually coordinated at the national and regional levels that will promote balanced development of the agricultural industry through the principles of social justice, environmental safety and resource-saving economics. In this regard, monitoring and forecasting implementation of the strategic priorities defined at the state level becomes relevant. Effective monitoring requires improvements in methodological support and the analytical framework, which is why writing an article on this topic is apt. This article investigates the current state of the Ukrainian agricultural sector’s transition to a model of sustainable development, as well as the problems associated therewith. The analysis and forecasting of the implementation of the integrated strategy for the development of agriculture in the context of sustainable development goals are substantiated using gap analysis. The current and strategic tasks for the socio-ecological and economic development of the Ukrainian agricultural sector are presented. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Vilnius en_US
dc.subject sustainable development en_US
dc.subject strategic goals en_US
dc.subject integrated strategy for agricultural development en_US
dc.subject forecasting en_US
dc.subject extrapolation en_US
dc.subject gap analysis en_US
dc.subject сталий розвиток en_US
dc.subject стратегічні цілі en_US
dc.subject комплексна стратегія розвитку сільського господарства en_US
dc.subject прогнозування en_US
dc.subject екстраполяція en_US
dc.subject аналіз розриву en_US
dc.title Strategic priorities and effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy for sustainable agricultural development in Ukraine en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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