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Historical and pedagogical aspects of the establishment of the Swedish education system

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.author Mochan, Tatiana
dc.contributor.author Мочан, Тетяна Михайлівна
dc.contributor.author Martyn, Oksana
dc.contributor.author Мартин, О. М.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-12T13:09:09Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-12T13:09:09Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6705
dc.description Мочан Т. М. Historical and pedagogical aspects of the establishment of the Swedish education system / Т. М. Мочан, О. М. Мартин // Міжнародний науковий журнал «Освіта і наука» / ред. кол.: Т. Д. Щербан (гол. ред.); заст. гол. ред.: Jerzy Piwowarski; В. В. Гоблик. – Мукачево-Ченстохова: РВВ МДУ; Гуманістично-природничий університет ім. Яна Длугоша в місті Ченстохові, 2020. – Вип. 1(28). – С.115-117 en_US
dc.description.abstract The article deals with the peculiarities of the development of teacher education in Sweden, which were largely related to the socio-economic transformations in the country and significantly affected the formation of the educational environment of the country. The study found that, apart from the state, a significant role in the process of reforming the Swiss education system belongs to the various religious movements that were involved in organizing the education of the country's population. At the same time, the Swiss government is laying the legal foundations of a new school that influence the formation of the national school education system and teacher training. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher МДУ en_US
dc.subject education system en_US
dc.subject система освіти en_US
dc.subject Sweden en_US
dc.subject Швеція en_US
dc.subject teacher training en_US
dc.subject підготовка вчителів en_US
dc.subject reform of the Swiss education system en_US
dc.subject реформування швейцарської системи освіти en_US
dc.title Historical and pedagogical aspects of the establishment of the Swedish education system en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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