Перегляд Статті по темі "readiness"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Bondar, Tamara; Бондар, Тамара Іванівна; Pinzenik, Olena; Пинзеник, Олена Мафтеївна; Fentsyk, Oksana; Фенцик, Оксана Миколаївна; Kobal, Vasyl; Кобаль, Василь (2021)
    The article deals with the issue of teacher efficacy and self-efficacy that are considered to be the main factors in understanding the reform results. The survey administered at university in the western part of Ukraine ...
  • Telychko, Natalia; Теличко, Наталія Вікторівна; Orsagosh, Lyubov; Орсагош, Л. (Мукачево-Ченстохова : РВВ МДУ, 2021)
    The article aimed to the substantiatson of the effectiveness of content and methodological support training primary school teachers to use innovative technologies foreign language teaching. The problem of professional ...
  • Rozman, Iryna; Розман, Ірина Іллівна; Heider, Henrietta; Гейдер, Генріетта Золтанівна (Мукачево: МДУ, 2022)
    The article analyzes the terms “competence”, “competence”. It is emphasized that the professional competence of a teacher of foreign literature consists in using the achievements of modern science in the field of education, ...
  • Tomashevska, Myroslava; Томашевська, Мирослава Олегівна (МДУ, 2019)
    The article has analyzed and summarized the results of the staging phase of the experiment (first task) in determining the level of readiness of future teachers for professional interaction at the level of "teacher – student ...