Перегляд Статті по темі "language"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Hertsovska, N.; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Biletska, O.; Білецька, О. (МДУ, 2017)
    The article examines the problem of the spread of the English language. The relevance is to discover and discuss the main driving forces behind the spread of modern English words. The question of why and under what ...
  • Hertsovska, Nataliia; Герцовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Vozniak, Khrystyna (2018)
    The article deals with with the verbalization of emotions from the linguistic perspective. The key objective of this scientific research is to present the interaction between human emotions and the way people express them ...
  • Lavrenova, Marija; Лавренова, Марія Василівна; Molnar, Tetjana; Молнар, Тетяна Іванівна (Prešov, 2019)
    The article raises the problem of professional primary school teachers' speech. The scientific works on the preparation of future specialists for professional speech activity and the formation of speech culture in higher ...