ПросмотрСтатті по теме "attitude"

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  • Марценюк, Марина Олексіївна; Martseniuk, M. (2015)
    The article deals with conscious and unconscious attitudes toward the healthy way oflife. Modern scientific researches on the problem of psychological peculiarities of the evaluative attitude development toward health ...
  • Bondar, Tamara; Бондар, Тамара Іванівна; Pinzenik, Olena; Пинзеник, Олена Мафтеївна; Fentsyk, Oksana; Фенцик, Оксана Миколаївна; Kobal, Vasyl; Кобаль, Василь (2021)
    The article deals with the issue of teacher efficacy and self-efficacy that are considered to be the main factors in understanding the reform results. The survey administered at university in the western part of Ukraine ...
  • Ліннік, Олена; Барна, Христина Василівна; Linnik, O.; Barna, K. (2017)
    The article presents the research of the value attitude towards books in a modern Ukrainian family. Particularly, it defines criteria and indicators of value attitude towards books: motivational (frequency of approaching ...

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