DSpace Repositorium (Manakin basiert)

Auflistung Статті Nach Schlagwort "organization of educational space"

Auflistung Статті Nach Schlagwort "organization of educational space"

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  • Shuliak, Andrii; Hedzyk, Andrii; Tverezovska, Nina; Fenchak, Lyubov; Фенчак, Любов Михайлівна; Lalak, Natalia; Лалак, Наталія Володимирівна; Ratsul, Anatolii; Kuchai, Oleksandr (2022)
    The possibilities of organizing the educational space by means of cloud computing in the professional activities of specialists are clarified. The content of the concept of "cloud computing" is presented. A list of ...

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