Auflistung Статті Nach Schlagwort "Teacher training"

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  • Bondar, Tamara; Бондар, Тамара Іванівна; Pinzenik, Olena; Пинзеник, Олена Мафтеївна; Fentsyk, Oksana; Фенцик, Оксана Миколаївна; Kobal, Vasyl; Кобаль, Василь (2021)
    The article deals with the issue of teacher efficacy and self-efficacy that are considered to be the main factors in understanding the reform results. The survey administered at university in the western part of Ukraine ...
  • Budnyk, Olena; Nikolaesku, Inna; Atroshchenko, Tetiana; Атрощенко, Тетяна Олександрівна; Shevchenko, Antonina; Chinchoy, Alexander; Yatsyna, Svitlana; Zobenko, Nataliia (2021)
    The article highlights current issues in training of social and educational professionals. The best experience of different countries on the development of social skills and abilities of children and youth, providing ...

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