Auflistung Статті Nach Schlagwort "Facebook"

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  • Bосhko, Olena; Kuziak, Viktoriia; Rosola, Uliana; Росола, Уляна Василівна; Karpii, Olena; Stepanenko, Nataliia; Volkova, Inna (2020)
    The article presents results of the investigation of Ukrainian society, conducted by popular social media in the period from December 2017 to December 2019. The research determines the share of adult population of Ukraine, ...
  • Shcherban, Tetiana; Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна; Samoilov, Oleksii (Мукачево: МДУ, 2024)
    Social networks have become a part of the daily life of students, they influence the development of views, values and identity, which can have an impact on students’ social connections, so research is an urgent task ...

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