Auflistung Статті nach Autor "Bassa, Oksana"

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  • Mykulanynets, Lesia; Микуланинець, Леся Михайлівна; Zhyshkovych, Myroslava; Bassa, Oksana; Kachur, Myroslava; Dikun, Iryna (2023)
    The objective of the article is to specify the essence of the chronicle as a sociocultural, anthropocentric phenomenon, as well as to justify the significance of biographical factors in the establishment and development ...
  • Mykulanynets, Lesia; Микуланинець, Леся Михайлівна; Zhyshkovych, Myroslava; Bassa, Oksana; Ksondzyk, Olena (Amazonia Investiga, 2023)
    The objective of the article is to analyze the genesis and age transformation of the artist’s biography; to distinguish the role of a creative personality’s chronicle in the late 21st century; to justify its significant ...

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