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Innovative smart technologies: editing, creation, and distribution of an interactive complex of multimedia educational materials

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dc.contributor.author Chovriy, Sofiya
dc.contributor.author Човрій, Софія Юліївна
dc.contributor.author Yakymenko, Svitlana
dc.contributor.author Bielikova, Olena
dc.contributor.author Yashchuk, Olena
dc.contributor.author Kulish, Inna
dc.contributor.author Chychuk, Antonina
dc.date.accessioned 2025-01-14T07:25:35Z
dc.date.available 2025-01-14T07:25:35Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/12254
dc.description Chovriy, S., Yakymenko, S., Bielikova, O., Yashchuk, O., Kulish, I., y Chychuk , A. Innovative smart technologies: editing, creation, and distribution of an interactive complex of multimedia educational materials. -Revista Conrado,20(101),2024.- Р. 404-415. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The article theoretically substantiates the peculiarities of the use of Smart technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions for the implementation of high-quality training of a competitive specialist. The main feature of Smart technologies is named, their uniqueness is proven; and specific features are singled out (polyfunctionality, integrability, dynamism). The analysis of questionnaires showed that 89% of students believe that the use of Smart technologies reduces the time they spend on studying a subject. As a result of research and experimental work, it was possible to achieve in most students of the experimental group an increase in interest in learning, in the organization of independent work, in the efficiency of the educational process, and in teachers, we observe an increase in professional skill in their professional work. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject Smart technologies uk_UA
dc.subject institutions of higher education uk_UA
dc.subject quality training uk_UA
dc.subject Smart Board uk_UA
dc.subject concept of Smart education uk_UA
dc.title Innovative smart technologies: editing, creation, and distribution of an interactive complex of multimedia educational materials uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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