Перегляд Статті по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Pitiulych, Mykhailo; Пітюлич, Михайло Іванович; Hoblyk, Volodymyr; Гоблик, Володимир Васильович; Resler, Maryna; Реслер, Марина Василівна; Milashovska, Olga; Мілашовська, Ольга Іванівна; Rubish, Maryna; Рубіш, Марина Андріївна (2020)
    The article analyzes the main trends in the functioning of the labor market of the Transcarpathian region in the transformation of the region's economy to market relations. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis ...
  • Fizeshi, Oktaviia; Фізеші, Октавія Йосипівна (2022)
    Learning the state language by representatives of national minorities of Ukraine contributes to the full realization of their constitutional rights, maximum integration into all spheres of social life, employment and ...
  • Tverezovska, Nina; Bilyk, Ruslana; Rozman, Iryna; Розман, Ірина Іллівна; Semerenko, Zhanna; Orlova, Nataliya; Vytrykhovska, Oksana; Oros, Ildiko (2022)
    Today, further education of adults in the UK is one of the developing areas of continuing education. The Open University with distance learning, in the process of which innovative forms and methods based on computer and ...
  • Rozman, I. I.; Розман, Ірина Іллівна (Canada, 2020)
    The article is devoted to the study of foreign languages as one of the ways to integrate the educational process of Ukraine into the European space. The importance of mastering a foreign language for the development of ...
  • Rozman, I. I.; Розман, Ірина Іллівна (2020)
    Tl e article is devoted to the study o f foreign languages as one o f the ways to integrate the educational process of Ukraine into the European space. The importance o f mastering a foreign language fo r the development ...
  • Fordzyun, Yuriy; Фордзюн, Юрій Іванович; Andreyeva, Olga; Maistrenko, Lesia (2013)
    Hygroscopicity, moisture return, wetting, capillarity and water vapour permeability of materials were studied in shoes linings and insoles made of natural and artificial leather. It was established that liquid-based and ...
  • Matskiv, P.; Kotovych, V.; Lehka, L.; Melnyk, L.; Prokopovych, L.; Прокопович, Лідія Сигізмундівна; Fedorko, L. (2022)
    The article is devoted to outlining the peculiarities of objectification of the concept of БАГАТСВО (WEALTH) in paremias, witnessed in the “Halytsko-ruski narodni prypovidky” (“Galicia-Ruthenian Folk Tales”) by Ivan ...
  • Movchan, Kateryna Mykolaivna; Mовчан, Катерина Миколаївна (МДУ, 2019)
    The main trends of continuous learning are considered in the article. The necessity of adaptation of the society to the dynamics of information processes is highlighted, and therefore the importance of innovative development ...
  • Мовчан, Катерина Миколаївна; Kateryna, Movchan (2019)
    The article describes the functions of the library as a social institution. The necessity of formation of library pedagogy as a scientific and practical discipline is substantiated.
  • Liba, Natalia; Ліба, Наталія Степанівна; Holovachko, Vasyl; Головачко, Василь Михайлович («Гельветика», 2020)
    With the proclamation of Ukraine's independence, the process of formation of the state tax system has actually begun. At the same time, the process of improving the system of taxation of the state as one of the signs of ...
  • Holovachko, Vasyl' Mykhaylovych; Bobalik, Kateryna Olehivna; Головачко, Василь Михайлович (2017)
    Active policy of the state in the sphere of budgetary decentralization, in the context of the formation of incomes of local budgets in Ukraine, gave its first positive results. It has been established that the first year ...
  • Shablii, O. I.; Шаблії, О. І.; Zastavetska, L. B.; Заставецька, Л. Б.; Dudarchuk, K. D.; Дударчук, К. Д.; Illiash, I. D.; Ілляш, І. Д.; Smochko, N. M.; Смочко, Наталія Михайлівна (Дніпро, 2018)
    The data of the conducted research testify to the high potential of Ukraine, taking into account factors such as favourable climate, location near two seas and rich natural resources for healthcare and wellness tourism. ...
  • Кончович, Катерина Тиберіївна; Konchovych, K (2018)
    The professional competence of the future English teacher is the integral personal creation, which contains appreciatively- motivational (motives, professional position, attitude ),cognitive ( knowledge, skills),personal ...
  • Човрій, Софія Юліївна (2012)
    У статті проаналізовано здобутки європейської музичної педагогіки в історичному вимірі.
  • Dufynets, Vasyl; Дуфинець, Василь Андрійович; Shcherban, Tetiana; Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна; Bretsko, Iryna; Брецко, Ірина Іванівна (Мукачево: МДУ, 2023)
    Children are increasingly at risk of various diseases, which has a rather negative impact on their intellectual development and can slow down social development in general, and therefore there is a need to address ...
  • Shafranova, K.; Zhukov, S.; Жуков, С. А.; Kampov, N.; Кампов, Надія Семенівна (2022)
    As a phenomenon, the digital economy of tourism is rapidly being formed in the context of the development of the digital economy. This allows asserting that production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of tourist ...
  • Реслер, Марина Василівна; Resler, M. V. (2018)
    The development of market relations depends on its scientific and technological process. Therefore, the use of recent advances decisively influences the state of the economy. The article deals with budgeting as a management ...
  • Rozman, I.; Розман, Ірина Іллівна; Samouliuk, S. (2019)
    The article deals with the principles and structures of the innovation process, knowledge of which is necessary for effective management of an educational institution. The normative model of management of innovative processes ...
  • Kvach, Yaroslav; Piatka, Nataliia; П'ятка, Наталія Степанівна; Koval, Viktor (2020)
    The article highlights the problem of management of sustainable entrepreneurship adaptation to tax changes in environmental investment and substantiation of the conceptual basis for assessing the efficiency of environmental ...
  • Gavrilets, Olesya; Гаврилець, Олеся Василівна; Chuchka, Ivan; Чучка, Іван Михайлович; Marian, Gajdos (Одеса, 2020)
    The holistic system o f understanding the current situation o f hotel-type enterprises in the conditions o f intensified competition has been investigated in the article, and what capabilities o f digital tools will ...