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Project activity as the communication systems innovative functioning: The Ukrainian libraries experience

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dc.contributor.author Veremchuk, Olena
dc.contributor.author Веремчук, Олена Володимирівна
dc.contributor.author Prokopovych, Lidia
dc.contributor.author Прокопович, Лідія Сигізмундівна
dc.date.accessioned 2024-12-04T07:42:47Z
dc.date.available 2024-12-04T07:42:47Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/11941
dc.description Olena Veremchuk, Lidia Prokopovych Project activity as the communication systems innovative functioning: The Ukrainian libraries experience / Olena Veremchuk, Lidia Prokopovych // БІБЛІОТЕКОЗНАВСТВО. ДОКУМЕНТОЗНАВСТВО. ІНФОРМОЛОГІЯ. - Р. 76-81 uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the article is to highlight the leading Ukrainian libraries project activities as a factor of their innovative functioning. The research methodology is based on the application of systemic-structural and activity approaches, which led to the complex use of generally-logical and theoretical methods used in humanitarian research. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in clarifying the role and significance of libraries project activities, summarising the most relevant projects implemented by leading libraries of Ukraine, as well as in highlighting the characteristic consequences of innovative library projects implementation and their classification depending on the target nature. Conclusions. It has been established that the characteristic features of the projects are their clear purpose, uniqueness, as well as: social and cultural significance and social effect; for users – new services and new opportunities; for libraries and library specialists – implementation of innovations, professional development, modernisation of production processes, etc. It has been emphasised that thanks to the implementation of innovative projects there were: a) significant transformation of library technologies and functional areas of library activity; b)fully justified attraction to corporatism in the information and search systems creation and information resources consolidation; c)innovative transformations in the library-information service system for users; d) arrangement of innovative library space. The whole set of library projects is grouped according to the purpose: social and communication projects, technological and functional projects. It has been concluded that the project activity of libraries expands and at the same time enriches the libraries’ functional capabilities and their information and resource base, promotes new services mastering and their development, and also establishes libraries as an important social and cultural institution and space for communication. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.subject library uk_UA
dc.subject communication system uk_UA
dc.subject project uk_UA
dc.subject project activity uk_UA
dc.subject library project uk_UA
dc.subject Ukrainian cultural fund uk_UA
dc.subject charity fund uk_UA
dc.title Project activity as the communication systems innovative functioning: The Ukrainian libraries experience uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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