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Methodology of managing the movement of the main funds of the spa companies in the mathematica environment

Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.author Кузнєцова, О. В.
dc.contributor.author Тодьєрішко, Е. В.
dc.contributor.author Терещук, О. С.
dc.contributor.author Kampov, N.
dc.contributor.author Кампов, Надія Семенівна
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-03T09:30:43Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-03T09:30:43Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10125
dc.description Kuznietsova O., Todierishko E., Tereshchuk O., Kampov N. Methodology of managing the movement of the main funds of the spa companies in the mathematica environment / Kuznietsova O., Todierishko E., Tereshchuk O., Kampov N. // Ефективна економіка : електронний журнал / гол.ред. Величко О.П. - Дніпро, 2022. - №9. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract At spa companies, the management of the fixed asset's movement is of great importance. The significance is determined by the decisive role of these funds in the realization of most sanatorium-and-spa, health-improving measures. In the course of the movement, it is important to ensure such a state of fixed assets that will guarantee the quality and continuity of the range of services of the enterprises of the restated sphere. At spa companies, the management of the movement of the main funds is of great importance. This is possible when using Wolfram Research's computer algebra system. The article is therefore oriented on the formation of the methodology of management of the main funds of the spa companies in the MATHEMATICA program environment. Within the framework of the research, it is proved that the methodology of fixed assets management of spa companies in the MATHEMATICA program environment is more complicated than manual control of operations. This management, apart from the management work itself, requires a front-end configuration of the software and process environments. In the process of forming the methodology of managing the movement of fixed assets in the environment of the MATHEMATICA program, attention is paid to the following specificity. The basic categories of fixed assets, which should be paid special attention to in the process of movement management are: Full initial value; remaining initial value; balance value of fixed assets at the end of the year. The attention to internal dependence in the balance sheets of the main funds of the sanatorium-resort enterprise is important, the presence of which will allow for the introduction of the system of setting up processes of monitoring processes of systematic accumulation of funds in the depreciation fund. It is important to configure the algorithms for the selection of indicators of the state, movement, and efficiency of the use of fixed assets, under which the program automatically adjusts the processing and operating environment of the control of the movement of fixed assets. The prospects of further investigation in this direction lie in the complete methodology of managing the fixed assets movement of the spa companies by analyzing the factors of their successful performance. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher Дніпро uk_UA
dc.subject movement uk_UA
dc.subject condition of fixed assets uk_UA
dc.subject material and production base uk_UA
dc.subject full initial cost uk_UA
dc.subject residual initial cost uk_UA
dc.subject balance value uk_UA
dc.subject рух uk_UA
dc.subject стан основних фондів uk_UA
dc.subject матеріально-виробнича база uk_UA
dc.subject повна первісна вартість uk_UA
dc.subject залишкова первісна вартість uk_UA
dc.subject балансова вартість uk_UA
dc.title Methodology of managing the movement of the main funds of the spa companies in the mathematica environment uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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