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On the question of transformations of economy based on digital gaming industry

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dc.contributor.author Chyzmar, І.
dc.contributor.author Чизмар, Іван Іванович
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-23T08:16:14Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-23T08:16:14Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/10111
dc.description Chyzmar, I. On the question of transformations of economy based on digital gaming industry / I. Chyzmar // Ефективна економіка : електронний журнал. - Київ, 2023. - №2. - uk_UA
dc.description.abstract This research aims to study the characteristics of the transformation of the economy based on the digital gaming industiy. The author's findings indicate that the digital gaming industry can be detailed based on characteristics that are common to some specialized and specific production features (including the presence of integrated structures, identified by the presence of mixed production, and the difference in the production stage of the product). The digital gaming industry includes various components such as eSports, mobile gaming, multiplayer gaming projects, streaming, and cloud gaming. The content of the digital gaming industry's components highlights its multifaceted nature and suggests that it is structurally heterogeneous, consisting of large structural blocks, including sectors, industries that provide the material and technical basis for the development of the digital gaming industry, and complexes. Taking into account its multifaceted nature, the digital gaming industry is characterized by its impact on the economy through game developers/publishers, manufacturers of electronic devices, computer components, and other players, as well as its unique origins and development. Its impact becomes increasingly specific to the economy when transmitted through its endemics, which include eSports, gaming, multiplayer gaming projects, cloud gaming, and streaming. There are several possible perspectives for using the results for further research: studying the characteristics that differentiate the spheres of the digital gaming industry and the consequences of these differences for the entire industry; researching the role of integrative structures for producing mixed products in the development of the digital gaming industry, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of these structures, analyzing the economic impact of the digital gaming industry, including its impact on production, distribution, exchange, and consumption systems; investigating the origin and emergence of the digital gaming industry based on factors that contributed to its development; studying specific characteristics and possible impacts of endemics in the digital gaming industry. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher Київ uk_UA
dc.subject e-sport uk_UA
dc.subject mobile gaming uk_UA
dc.subject multi-country gaming objects uk_UA
dc.subject shooting uk_UA
dc.subject cloud gaming uk_UA
dc.subject endemic uk_UA
dc.title On the question of transformations of economy based on digital gaming industry uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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