Перегляд по Автору "Zelenska, Liliia"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Zelenska, Liliia; Luzhanskaya, Tetiana; Movchan, Kateryna; Лужанська, Тетяна Юріївна; Мовчан, Катерина Миколаївна (2018)
    The article deals with the types of advertising activities of rural green tourism. Analysis of expenses for advertising services has been carried out. The way of increasing the efficiency of implementation of advertising ...
  • Zelenska, Liliia; Campov, Nadiya; Кампов, Надія Семенівна; Medvid, Larisa; Медвідь, Лариса Іванівна (2019)
    In the article the tendencies of development of infrastructure of ski tourism in the Transcarpathian region have been analyzed on the basis of analysis of programs of development of tourist-recreational industry.