Перегляд по Автору "Zabiiaka, Iryna"

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Zabiiaka, Iryna; Nefodov, Dmytro; Hryashchevskaya, Lyudmila; Horvat, Marianna; Горват, Маріанна Василівна; Shynkaruk, Oleksandra (2023)
    The effectiveness of the quality assurance system for higher education has been shown at the international level. The relevance of the problem of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education is considered, ...
  • Chovriy, Sofiya; Човрій, Софія Юліївна; Skyba, Nadiya; Dmytrenko, Alina; Zabiiaka, Iryna; Holovchenko, Oleksii (Florencia, Colombia, 2024)
    The article reveals the most relevant and important for developing world societies to the professional training of personnel in the EU countries in the educational space. The methodological principles of the research ...