Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Gals of sustainable development"

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  • Pavlenko, Olena; Irtyshcheva, Inna; Kramarenko, Iryna; Крамаренко, Ірина Сергіївна; Stehnei, Marianna; Стегней, Маріанна Іванівна; Boiko, Yevheniia; Nadtochiy, Iryna; Karpenko, Herman; Sirenko, Ihor; Hryshyna, Natalia; Ishchenko, Olena; Tubaltseva, Natalia; Uliana, Rosola; Росола, Уляна Василівна (Україна, 2023)
    The article's purpose is to apply design management in forming an innovative model of sustainable development with adaptation to regional features in conditions of global turbulence. Indicators and indicators for evaluating ...

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