Auflistung nach Autor "Proscura, V."

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  • Proscura, V.; Проскура, Володимир Федорович; Korolovych, O.; Королович, Оксана Омелянівна; Liba, N.; Ліба, Наталія Степанівна (Дніпро, 2024)
    Esports is evolving into a global phenomenon, increasingly gravitating towards uniting local club players worldwide. At the same time, both the overall professionalization of the industry (which increases the requirements ...
  • Проскура, Володимир Федорович; Proscura, V.; Лизанець, Анжела Гейзівна; Lyzanets, A. (2018)
    An important direction of realization of Ukraine's national interests in providing economic security in modern conditions is the activation of business innovation activity. The current state, factors of formation and ...

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