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Title: Сlusters in the strategy of economic development of Ukraine and its regions
Authors: Mashtaler, Olha
Gutsul, Tetiana
Maslyhan, Olena
Маслиган, Олена Олександрівна
Cheban, Yuliia
Tsymbalistova, Olena
Keywords: clusters
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The 21st century was characterized by significant changes in the world economy under the influence of globalization of all aspects of socio-economic relations, a special place in these processes is occupied by regional integration, which led to the emergence of new, globally oriented national strategies and models of regional development. The purpose of the article is to study clusters in the economic development strategy of Ukraine and their impact on innovation processes. There was a need for a scientific understanding of the essence of clusters from the point of view of a holistic system of knowledge about their formation, functioning and management. Clusters as integrated formations of enterprises are a global phenomenon. The article examines the works of scientists regarding the clustering of Ukraine, identifies the advantages of the cluster approach, notes that the trends of the modern world economy outline a large number of changes, both progressive and regressive, contradictory, but on the contrary, harmonious, which accelerate the development of a new economic model. li - cluster. A model of the new cluster economy was built and the number of clusters in the regions of Ukraine and their sphere of activity were analyzed. On the basis of the conducted research, recommendations were proposed to speed up the development of cluster initiatives, and to ensure the effective functioning of innovation clusters, it is necessary to activate the activities of innovation infrastructure facilities (technology parks, business incubators, innovation technology centers, technology transfer centers, etc.), which are important a structural element of clusters.
Description: Сlusters in the strategy of economic development of Ukraine and its regions / Olha Mashtaler, Tetiana Gutsul, Olena Maslyhan, Yuliia Cheban, Olena Tsymbalistova, // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice - volum. 3 (50), 2023. - P 320-329
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9934
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