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Titel: The education in the elementary schools of Transcarpathia in the Czechoslovakian period
Autoren: Фізеші, Октавія Йосипівна
Fizeshi, O.
Stichwörter: educational transformation
primary school
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014
Zusammenfassung: The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of the elementary school in Transcarpathia in the context of the systemic educational transformations during the period of stay Transcarpathia in part of Czechoslovakia. And the culture of this region is based on the tolerant relationships between people of the different nationalities (over 30) who inhabit Transcarpathia. Should also be noted that during this period take place a big reformist activity of both the state and the public in the field of the elementary education. Priority directions are the national idea, providing instruction in mother tongue, the widespread use in the practice of the elementary school the advanced ideas of the European pedagogical science.
Beschreibung: Fizeshi, O. The education in the elementary schools of Transcarpathia in the Czechoslovakian period / O. Fizeshi // Practice and Theory in Systems of Education : Journal. – 2014. – Volume 9 Number 3. – С.295-302
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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