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Title: Development of the elementary school in Transcarpathia in the system of educational transformations: sources of research on the history of pedagogy
Authors: Фізеші, Октавія Йосипівна
Fizeshi, O.
Keywords: the historical and pedagogical study
the sources of the study
the transformation processes in the education
the elementary school
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: In the article the attention is paid to the issue o f the role o f the source study in the historical and pedagogical studies, are considers the various sources of the study of the history of the pedagogy (the historical works, historical and pedagogical studies, monographs, dissertation studies, periodicals, archival sources). The necessity of the analysis of the great source base is due with the transformation processes, that took place in the socio-political and socio-economic life ofTranscarpathia in the second half of the X IX th and early X X th century and they have influenced on the development of the elementary school.
Description: Fizeshi, O. Development of the elementary school in Transcarpathia in the system of educational transformations: sources of research on the history of pedagogy / O. Fizeshi // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences : Journal. – Vienna, 2014. – №9-10. – С.128-134
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/990
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