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Title: Stabilization of financial relations as the basis for national economic security
Authors: Chernychko, T.
Черничко, Тетяна Володимирівна
Proskura, V.
Проскура, Володимир Федорович
Yaremko, I.
Liba, N.
Ліба, Наталія Степанівна
Keywords: financial stability
economic stability
financial relations
economic security
the assessment of financial stability
фінансова стабільність
економічна стабільність
фінансові відносини
економічна безпека
оцінка фінансової стабільності
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: The stability of financial relations is one of the conditions for sustainable economic development and creation of conditions for the growth of material production, nonproduction sphere development and increase of employment, improving social and economic conditions of the population. The need to develop practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of existing financial relations in Ukraine and their coordination with the processes that occur in the real sector of the economy determine the relevance of the study. Purpose of the article is determining the basic principles and refinement of indicators to measure the stability of financial relations and, on this basis, assessment of the stability of financial relations in Ukraine.
Description: Stabilization of financial relations as the basis for national economic security / T. V. Chernychko, V. F. Proskura, Ihor Yaremko, N. Liba // Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. - March 2019 1(28). - Р. 441-449
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9673
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