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Title: Automated measuring system for studying the temperature dependence of dielectric spectra of ferroelectrics
Authors: Ban, Henrietta
Gal, David
Gerasimov, Vitaly
Герасимов, Віталій Вікторович
Haysak, Andriy
Molnar, Alexander
Keywords: dielectric spectra
temperature dependence
діелектричні спектри
температурна залежність
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: An automated measuring system developed by authors for studying the temperature dependence of dielectric spectra of ferroelectrics in the frequency range 12Hz-100kHz, the temperature range 80-450K and the amplitude of the measuring signal 5mV -1.275v has been presented. It is based on the GW Instek LCR-819 LCR Meter, the Measurement Computing USB-TEMP-AI temperature meter and an OWON ODP3033 programmable power supply. The temperature measurement resolution is 0.001K and the controlled rate of temperature change is from 0.001K/min to 1K/min. The control software, created in the LabViewgraphical environment, makes it possible to carry out measurements in an automatic mode, present the results obtained in the form of graphs (Cole-Cole plot and frequency dependency of ? and ??) and save the data as a file.
Description: Automated measuring system for studying the temperature dependence of dielectric spectra of ferroelectrics [Електронний ресурс] / Ban Henrietta, Gal David, Gerasimov Vitaly, Haysak Andriy, Molnar Alexander // IEEE IDAACS 2021 : The 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, Cracow, Poland, September 22-25, 2021. - Cracow : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2021. - Vol. 1. - P. 156-159
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/9383
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Automated _measuring_ system_ for_ studying _the _temperature_ dependence_ of_ dielectric _spectra _of_ ferroelectrics.pdfAutomated measuring system for studying the temperature dependence of dielectric spectra of ferroelectrics920.83 kBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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