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dc.contributor.authorMatskiv, P.-
dc.contributor.authorKotovych, V.-
dc.contributor.authorLehka, L.-
dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, L.-
dc.contributor.authorProkopovych, L.-
dc.contributor.authorПрокопович, Лідія Сигізмундівна-
dc.contributor.authorFedorko, L.-
dc.descriptionLexical and paremia objectivation of the concept of wealth in the Ukrainian language / Р. Matskiv, V.Kotovych, L. Lehka, L. Melnyk, L. Prokopovych, L. Fedorko // AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. - Р. 218-223uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to outlining the peculiarities of objectification of the concept of БАГАТСВО (WEALTH) in paremias, witnessed in the “Halytsko-ruski narodni prypovidky” (“Galicia-Ruthenian Folk Tales”) by Ivan Franko, in the context of the study of Ukrainian paremia units on the basis of linguo-cognitive approach. First, the lexical means of implementing the concept of WEALTH in lexicographic sources representing the functioning of the Ukrainian language in the period from the 11th to the beginning of the 21st century were analyzed using the method of dictionary definitions. Then, taking into account the established continuum of explicit concepts as core in the paremia, as well as relying on the method of conceptual analysis, the components of the concept of WEALTH within the corpus of Ukrainian paremiological units recorded by Ivan Franko were studied with the components of “wealth”, “wealthy”, “a wealthy man”. It was found that in Ukrainian paremias the concept of WEALTH is mostly objectified in the following frames: WEALTH AS A PERSONIFICATION OF PERSONALITY; WEALTH AS IGNORANCE OF POVERTY; WEALTH FROM EVIL; WEALTH IS MONEY. The principles of objectification of the collective consciousness related to the concept of WEALTH are traced with the help of one or another frame, the parameters of each frame are identified, the factors influencing the existence of a certain type of collective consciousness and its implementation in paremia units are outlined.uk_UA
dc.subjectCognitive modeluk_UA
dc.subjectConcept of WEALTHuk_UA
dc.subjectConceptual metaphoruk_UA
dc.subjectConceptual metonymyuk_UA
dc.subjectParemia unituk_UA
dc.subjectкогнітивна модельuk_UA
dc.subjectконцептуальна метафораuk_UA
dc.subjectконятійна метоніміяuk_UA
dc.subjectпаремійна одиницяuk_UA
dc.titleLexical and paremia objectivation of the concept of wealth in the Ukrainian languageuk_UA
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