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dc.contributor.authorBakhmat, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorPopadych, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorDerkach, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorShvardak, Marianna-
dc.contributor.authorШвардак, Маріанна Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorLukashchuk, Mykola-
dc.contributor.authorRomanenko, Viktor-
dc.descriptionUsing Information Technologies to Train Today Teachers in the Educational Environment / Bakhmat, N., Popadych, O., Derkach, L., Shvardak, M., Lukashchuk, M., & Romanenko, V. // Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. - 14(2),2022. - Р. 479-499.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article studies the characteristics of teacher training for primary school teachers in the information educational environment in higher education institutions (HEIs). It shows that Ukraine’s integration into European and world educational space as a prerequisite for determining effective areas in its development is a strong motive to study the systems of teacher training for primary school teachers, reflect on their positive experience, clarify trends and prospects of their development and discover ways to solve the existing issues in teacher education. The article considers the current state of teacher training for primary school teachers in view of applying information technologies in HEIs. Considering teacher training for primary school teachers as the large-scale nationwide objective, the article analyzes this aspect in those Ukrainian HEIs whose activities are related to this particular area. IT is also essential and necessary to study the experience of individual scholars and practitioners implementing the achievements of informatization in their activities. The detailed study of teacher training for primary school teachers has made it possible to reveal significant shortcomings in this process. The findings prove that HEIs do not create favourable organizational conditions for future primary school teachers to develop their innovative professional and personal qualities. These include the following: competitiveness; motivation towards lifelong learning and continuing professional development; knowledge about appropriate ways of personal development; creative and IT skills.uk_UA
dc.subjectteacher traininguk_UA
dc.subjectprimary schooluk_UA
dc.subjecthigher education institutionsuk_UA
dc.subjectdifferent organizational formsuk_UA
dc.subjectinformation educational environmentuk_UA
dc.subjectпідготовка вчителівuk_UA
dc.subjectпочаткова школаuk_UA
dc.subjectвищі навчальні закладиuk_UA
dc.subjectрізні організаційні формиuk_UA
dc.subjectінформаційне освітнє середовищеuk_UA
dc.titleUsing Information Technologies to Train Today Teachers in the Educational Environmentuk_UA
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