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Title: Development of Ukrainian pedagogical thought
Authors: Rozman, I.
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Keywords: pedagogical thought
general historical researches
педагогічна думка
загальноісторичні дослідження
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract: The article discusses the ways of developing pedagogical thought in Ukraine. Brief information is given on the main areas of work on the formation of pedagogy. Issues related to the development of education are discussed. Pedagogical theories that were inherent in the pedagogical science of the twentieth century. The focus on studying the problems of organizing pedagogical work was especially activated in the twentieth century, both in Ukrainian and foreign pedagogical science. This process, on the one hand, contributed to the creation of an appropriate categorical and conceptual apparatus, on the other, gave an impetus to the analysis of historical experience in this area.
Description: Rozman I. Development of Ukrainian pedagogical thought / I. Rozman // Modern engineering and innovative technologies. - Issue No18. Part 4. - Р. 12-15
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8853
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