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Title: Psychological and Pedagogical Features of Training Future Psychologists
Authors: Shcherban, Tetiana D.
Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна
Bretsko, Iryna I.
Брецко, Ірина Іванівна
Varha, Victoriya S.
Варга, В. С.
Keywords: pedagogy and psychology
training of psychologists
features of training of psychologists
professional self-determination
педагогіка і психологія
підготовка психологів
особливості навчання психологів
професійне самовизначення
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: МДУ
Abstract: The relevance of the topic submitted for consideration in the framework of this scientific research is determined by the need for a deep study of various aspects of training future specialists in the field of psychology in higher pedagogical educational institutions, in the context of the wide demand for the specialty of a psychologist in society and the need to improve the quality of training specialists in this field. The main purpose of this research work is to study the key features of psychological and pedagogical training of future psychology specialists at the stage of training in an educational institution, from the point of view of forming their competencies necessary for conducting further professional activities. The leading approach in this research work is a combination of methods of systematic analysis of the currently available methods of training specialists in the field of psychology with an analytical study of the features of teaching in modern educational institutions, from a pedagogical and psychological point of view, in order to form the most complete and objective picture of scientific research. The results obtained in the course of this research reflect the existing problems of the modern education system in the context of the training system of future psychologists, both professional and from a purely pedagogical point of view, and serve as a qualitative basis for formulating final conclusions based on them. The results and conclusions of this research work are of significant practical importance for improving the training systems of future psychologists in modern educational institutions in terms of forming their competencies necessary for high-quality further professional activity.
Description: Tetiana D. Shcherban Psychological and Pedagogical Features of Training Future Psychologists / Tetiana D. Shcherban, Iryna I. Bretsko, Victoriya S. Varha // Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія «Педагогіка та психологія». - Мукачево. Вид-во: МДУ, 2021. - Том 7. N 3. - С. 71-77
Appears in Collections:Статті

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