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Название: Polycultural competence as a literary component of research
Авторы: Rozman, Iryna
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Ключевые слова: foreign literature
multicultural competence
зарубіжна література
полікультурна компетентність
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The article deals with multicultural competence as a literary component of the study of the younger generation. The main attention is focused on the intercultural interaction of the team work of teachers-colleagues, their knowledge of a foreign language that allows for effective intercultural communication. The article draws attention to the components that are one of the important characteristics of the multicultural competence of teachers. Special emphasis in the article is focused on the implementation of the comparative line as a component of the literary process of the educational branch of the state standard of secondary and higher education. It provides for the implementation of the comparative line and defines the relevant state requirements for the level of training of students. The emphasis is focused on the principle of pluralism, on the need to have knowledge about other peoples and their cultures, traditions and customs, to identify commonalities and specifics, to understand their value. For the development of multicultural competencies in students, it is necessary to constantly focus on the ability to formulate a clear position and express a personal attitude to the material read. It is necessary to learn to evaluate the compositional components of the plot. The main task of teaching foreign literature is the development of the humanitarian culture of students, the education of their creative life orientations, the ability to independently communicate with works of art of words and consciously perceive the aesthetic and spiritual values embodied in them. The artistic work is proposed to be considered as a single whole. It is necessary to start with the unity of comparing the era and the place of the author of the work in world literature, the personal cultural and philosophical views of the author. Attention is drawn to the fact that the methodological features of the use of comparative analysis occur in stages, starting from the fifth grade. It is necessary to start with individual fragments in the form of a small comparative study.
Описание: Rozman I. Polycultural competence as a literary component of research / Iryna Rozman // Pedagogy and Education Management Review (PEMR). - Issue 3 (5), 2021. - Р. 28-34
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8675
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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