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Titel: Formation of moral values of schoolchildren: effective methods of diagnosis
Autoren: Lemko, Halyna
Kachak, Tetiana
Voroshchuk, Oksana
Didukh, Iryna
Mochan, Tetyana
Мочан, Тетяна Михайлівна
Bai, Ihor
Stichwörter: Moral values
Diagnostic methods
Moral culture
Criteria and indicators
моральні цінності
діагностичний методи
моральна культура
критерії та показники
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Zusammenfassung: The article analyzes the essence and content of moral values of schoolchildren. In addition, their classification is given. Based on the judgments and research results of J. Halstead, T. D. Van Heest, L. Kohlberg, E. Griggs, J. Piaget, it is stated that in the process of forming value orientations it is important to diagnose the level of moral culture of students throughout learning, taking into account the dynamics. Indicators and criteria of high, medium and low level of moral culture of students are defined and analyzed. The review of effective methods of formation diagnostics of students’ moral values (the “Choice”, “Examiner”, a technique of revealing the value orientations of M. Rokych) is offered. The results of using some methods and determining the level of moral culture of high school students in Ukrainian schools are demonstrated.
Beschreibung: Lemko Н. Formation of moral values of schoolchildren: effective methods of diagnosis / Halyna Lemko; Tetiana Kachak; Oksana Voroshchuk; Iryna Didukh; Tetyana Mochan; Ihor Bai // Laplage em Revista (International), vol.7, n. 3B, Sept. - Dec. 2021. - Р. 556-568
URI: http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8671
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