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Название: Development of future psychologists’ professional identity in occupational and educational field
Авторы: Yamcuk, Taisa
Ямчук, Таїсія Юріївна
Ключевые слова: professional identification
identification processes
professional identity
educational space
professional and educational space
future psychologists
професійна ідентифікація
процеси ідентифікації
професійна ідентичність
освітній простір
професійно - освітній простір
майбутні психологи
Дата публикации: 2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The process of psychologists’ professional identification in the professional and educational space The article format outlines the main aspects of professional identification process in the context of the individual professional development and the multidimensional definitions of “educational space” and “professional and educational space”. New perspectives on professional support of future psychologists during training have been given. The problems of professional identification as a component of professional training of future psychologists taking into account different branches of professional and educational space have been analyzed. Psychological factors of professional identity development have been generalized. The conditions for the effective development of the professional identity of future psychologists have been substantiated. The conditions as activation of the processes of awareness of subjective experience, in particular, professional identity; updating student subjectivity; modeling of situations, which focuses attention on the peculiarities of different areas of professional and educational space; modeling of professional situations in which professional skills are developed, which are the basis of professional suitability and professional readiness have been highlighted in the article.
Описание: Yamcuk Т. Development of future psychologists’ professional identity in occupational and educational field / Т. Yamcuk // PROBLEMY NOWOCZESNEJ EDUKACJI. - Częstochowa 2020–2021. - Р. 49-52
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8552
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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