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Title: Methodological framework for the reflection development of pedagogical students
Authors: Voronova, Olha
Воронова, Ольга Юріївна
Keywords: development
personal development
professional reflection
особистий розвиток
професійне відображення
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The article highlights the procedure and features of the training program organization aimed at the development of professional reflection of future professionals in preschool education. It has been noted that the influence on the development of professional reflection of future professionals in preschool education is mediated through a number of psychological personality traits (self-esteem, self-interest, self-attitude, self-confidence, self-understanding, empathy, aggressiveness, suspicion, authoritarianism, striving for power and leadership, responsibility etc). It is assumed that working on these psychological properties will have a positive effect on the level of professional reflection.
Description: Voronova О. Methodological framework for the reflection development of pedagogical student / О. Voronova // PROBLEMY NOWOCZESNEJ EDUKACJI. - Częstochowa 2020–2021. - Р. 21-27
URI: http://localhost:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/8546
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