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Title: The Peculiarities of Preparation of Masters for Teaching of the Pedagogical Disciplines in the Institutions of Higher Pedagogical Education
Authors: Fizeshi, Oktaviia
Фізеші, Октавія Йосипівна
Keywords: the pedagogy
the methodology of teaching pedagogy
the teacher of pedagogy
the professional training
the pedagogical education
методика викладання педагогіки
викладач педагогіки
професійне навчання
педагогічна освіта
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Abstract: The prerequisite for ensuring the professional training of masters in the specialty "The Primary Education" in Ukraine is the formation of their professional competence to teach in the higher education institutions. After all, in addition to qualifying as a primary school teacher, they are also qualified as the teacher of pedagogy. Accordingly, the preparation of the modern primary school teacher requires the organization of the educational process in higher education on a scientific humanistic basis which provides purposeful systematic provision of psychological and pedagogical training of scientific and pedagogical staff for the higher education institutions of different levels of accreditation for their interaction with students. This article summarizes the author's experience of studying the teaching methods of the disciplines "Fundamentals of Pedagogy", "Didactics", "Theory and Methods of Education", "Socio-pedagogical Fundamentals of Educational Management" and "History of Pedagogy". In particular, theoretical and aspects of students' methodical activity are revealed: active listening, participation in dialogue and discussion during lectures, observation of pedagogical classes from different sections (basics of pedagogy, didactics, theory of education, history of pedagogy), development of the text of lectures on separate topics, microteaching and analysis of pedagogical situations, their modeling, execution of creative tasks, production of visual material. Preparation of the masters for teaching of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education facilitates their mastery of the basic concepts and categories of pedagogy, historical aspects of the formation of pedagogy as a science, current trends in education; the content of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education; features of the education process, its regularities and principles, the methods and organizational forms, etc. Also, in the process of studying the methodology of teaching pedagogical disciplines, the masters have the ability to prepare curricula for disciplines; to plan and conduct various types of training (lectures, seminars and practical classes); to control and diagnose students' educational achievements; to organize various types of cognitive work with students, etc.
Description: Fizeshi O. The Peculiarities of Preparation of Masters for Teaching of the Pedagogical Disciplines in the Institutions of Higher Pedagogical Education / Oktaviia Fizeshi // Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. - December, 2020 Volume 12, Issue 4. - Р. 103-117
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7905
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