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Title: Innovative technologies in management
Authors: Resler, Maryna
Реслер, Марина Василівна
Keywords: technologies
innovative technologies
innovative management
technologies in management
інноваційні технології
інноваційний менеджмент
технології в управлінні
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Almost all innovation is the result of a concerted effort. Research shows that when developing a new product, businesses are constantly interacting with their suppliers, users, and research institutes, and the quality of such interaction has a clear impact on the innovation process. The relevance of the article is that innovative technologies in management play an important role in the growth of the enterprise and serve as an important competitive tool. The purpose of the article is to explore innovative technologies and the effectiveness of their implementation. Innovation management is also investigated, which should guarantee the effective use of innovations and directions for improving the efficiency of functioning and development of enterprises in competitive environments, taking into account innovative technologies. The article aims to structure innovations depending on the aspects of accounting, their types, and economic effects. We have proposed a generalized system of innovative management technologies based on other studies. A structured system of information support for innovations has also been developed to make effective decisions. The expediency of the application of innovative technologies in management is substantiated and their influence on the development of the enterprise is revealed. Although the relationship between innovation and financial performance is not straightforward and straightforward, our research indicates a strong interaction between sales growth and various innovations in business processes related to R&D spending work.
Description: Resler M. Innovative technologies in management / М. Resler // MEST Journal. - Vol. 8 No.2. - Р. 151-156
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7242
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