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Title: Learning a foreign language: ensuring an intensive educational process in Ukraine
Authors: Rozman, I. I.
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Keywords: foreign language education,
educational proces
international relations
іншомовна освіта
освітній процес
міжнародні зв'язки
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Tl e article is devoted to the study o f foreign languages as one o f the ways to integrate the educational process of Ukraine into the European space. The importance o f mastering a foreign language fo r the development o f modern science is justified, and it is indicated that the driving force and quality teaching o f a foreign language is the motivation to stuaV it. The ways o f improving modern education through the prism o f foreign language proficiencv are highlighted.
Description: Rozman I. I. Learning a foreign language: ensuring an intensive educational process in Ukraine / I. I. Rozman // Virtus : scientific journal. - Canada : СPM «ASF», 2020. - №45. - С. 122-124
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7210
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