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Название: Regional management paradigm of the integrated effort of development elements of recreation and tourism cluster
Авторы: Maslihan, O. O.
Маслиган, Олена Олександрівна
Korolovych, O. O.
Королович, Оксана Омелянівна
Ключевые слова: cluster
competitive advantage of cluster
planning system
balanced scorecard
cluster actors
конкурентні переваги кластеру
система планування
збалансована система показників
учасник кластеру
Дата публикации: 2019
Издательство: Умань
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The purpose of the research. It was noted that management of integrated effort of clusters elements based on a targeted approach. This approach has the following features: it orients production activities, to the needs of target consumers; it's characterized by structural flexibility of dynamic states of the external environment; it provides a strong orientation of integrative development of cluster actors for the future (through the system description model that defines development goals and translates them across a cluster network). These processes integrate changes in the components of the production and management systems of the cluster actors. The purpose of the research lies in systematic description of the management model of integrated efforts of tourism and recreation cluster, adopted in the scientific space. Methodology. By the study process the following general scientific and concrete methods have been used: comparative, structural (used for determining the factors that determine the competitive advantage of the cluster) and secondary data analysis (used for methodical algorithms of strategic evaluation of "Human capital training» determining; used for methodical algorithms of strategic evaluation of possibilities for the preservation of the best personnel determining; used for methodical algorithms of liquidity position of cluster actors determining), sifting and interpreting, the data and reaching logic techniques (used for matrix of market segmentation of cluster actors formation). Results. The proposed design model of the management cycle is based on the balanced scorecard introduction. With the formation of a target management cycle of integrated efforts for cluster elements this design is implemented in parallel. Thus, it is proposed to use balanced scorecard as the basis for the formation of a corporate strategy of integrative development of clusters and a strategy for the development of its cluster in all levels of their decomposition. In fact, the strategy of development of actors, according to the project, should contain rank strategies. Rank strategies are linked to the cluster strategy of integrated development and from the main provisions of the strategy of development of such cluster actors. Practical meaning. It had been shown that regional management paradigm of integrated effort of development elements of a recreation and tourism cluster contains: 1) generalized analysis and diagnostic cluster portrait; 2) Mission and Vision for the future of cluster integrative development; 3) analysis of competitive advantages (macro- and micro-) and future limitations for integrated development of the external and internal environment of clusters; 4) strategic directions of action or set of strategic objectives and predicted actions for achievement of objectives are outlined. In accordance with existing specificity of cluster strategy decomposition, the strategy of integrating development fits in the highest level of its hierarchy. Prospects for further research. The prospects of further research are the development of the concept of management of clusters in the Ukraine regions.
Описание: Maslihan O. O. Regional management paradigm of the integrated effort of development elements of recreation and tourism cluster / O. O. Maslihan, O. O. Korolovych // Економічні горизонти. - 2019. № 4(11). - C. 23–36
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7197
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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