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Title: Активізація структурних процесів економіки малих міст в умовах децентралізації
Authors: Маркова, Евеліна
Keywords: маленькі міста
структурні процеси
ринкові відносини
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of structural changes in the economy of local urban economic systems of Transcarpathian region in the conditions of deepening of market transformation processes. The main attention is paid to the analysis of structural processes in industrial production and services as priority spheres of management in small towns and urban settlements. The intensity of structural shifts in terms of economic activities is analyzed. An analysis of the dynamics of structural shifts during the analyzed period showed that the most dynamically structural processes occurred in industry, in particular at city-forming industrial enterprises. The activity of small businesses, which today constitute the economic basis of urban settlements, and their impact on urban employment are analyzed.
Description: Маркова Е. Активізація структурних процесів економіки малих міст в умовах децентралізації / Е. Маркова // International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy. - 3(30), June 2020. - С. 3-8
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7131
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Activation_ of_structural_ processes_ of_ the economy_ of_ small_ towns_ in the_ conditions_ of_ decentralization.pdfАктивізація структурних процесів економіки малих міст в умовах децентралізації1.39 MBAdobe PDFMegtekintés/Megnyitás

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