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Title: Methodical principles of formation of foreign-Language multicultural competence in modern educational space
Authors: Kostiuk, M.
Keywords: methodical principles
foreign-Language multicultural competence
modern educational space
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Охтирка
Description: Kostiuk, M. Methodical principles of formation of foreign-Language multicultural competence in modern educational space / M. Kostiuk // Exploring and Understanding Today's Demands for Foreign Languages:going beyond English Language competencies : збірник тез міжнародної конференції вчителів англійської мови (28-30 червня 2019 р.). – Охтирка, 2019. – P. 61-64. – [Копія].
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/7107
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