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Titel: Enriching the coping behaviour repertoire and motivation of the unemployed using metaphors
Autoren: Korniienko, Inokentii
Корнієнко, Інокентій Олексійович
Barchi, Beata
Барчі, Беата Василівна
Stichwörter: coping behaviour
coping skills
справлятися з поведінкою
навички справлятися
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: IJSTR
Zusammenfassung: This article provides an overview of the research in the area of coping behaviour and motivation of the unemployed and analyses work incentives for the unemployed applied in Ukraine. In addition, the article provides the analysis of motivation to work of persons registered as being unemployed using metaphor. It was found out that, in relative terms, unemployed should be interested in taking enriching their own coping behaviour strategies and in motivation using metaphors. Metaphor is an indispensable element that reveals the person‘s individual worldview. World scientific knowledge, the approach to the knowledge of existence through the disclosure of the content of entities, allows the person to really, rationally look at existence itself, identify him/herself with it, occasionally present in existence and make sure that this presence is real in the same real existence. Findings of the survey of persons registered as jobless have showed that satisfactory level of coping behaviour repertoire is the strongest factor motivating persons to overcome the unemployment.
Beschreibung: Korniienko I. Enriching the coping behaviour repertoire and motivation of the unemployed using metaphors / I. Korniienko, B. Barchi // International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Volume 9, Issue 04. - April 2020. - P.1416-1422
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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