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Titel: The problem of readiness for future professional activity
Autoren: Scherban, Tatiana
Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна
Stichwörter: professionalism
higher education institutions
features of professional thinking
вищі навчальні заклади
особливості професійного мислення
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019
Herausgeber: Liha-Pres
Zusammenfassung: The informatization and technologicalization of society have led to changes in higher education. Along with solving the problems of educational character, the university should create conditions for the development of students’ professional and psychological readiness for future professional activity. Professional readiness is the ability to act professionally, to be able to make good and informed decisions. Professional readiness includes: features of professional thinking, professional reflection, the ability to solve professional and practical tasks, constant professional self-development. Functions of professional thinking: analysis of practical professional situations, formulation of professional tasks, drawing up a plan of solution, implementation and adjustment of the plan, evaluation of results. The criterion of professional thinking is the system of categorical structures.
Beschreibung: Scherban Tatiana The problem of readiness for future professional activity / Tatiana Scherban // Psychology of personality professional development: collective monograph. - Lviv-Torun: Liha-Pres, 2019. - P.127-146
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Монографії

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