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Title: Strategic aims of the reforms in the schooling of the carpathian ruthenja (1919-1938 years)
Authors: Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Rozman, l.l.
Keywords: public education
democracy of power
pedagogical potential
teaching literature
public organizations
Issue Date: 23-dec-2015
Abstract: Based on the analysis of research the main aspects of policy reforms were presented which were necessary for Carpathian Ruthenia in the Czechoslovak period of education and upbringing. It is given the characteristic of formation mechanism of organizational and methodical directions of schools work. It is proved that in the structure of the school «Référât» a big role is determined for activists of educational reforms thanks to which, the significant streamlining of the schools takes place, appear highquality educational periodicals with educational and methodical character, and a special attention is given to teaching societies and organizations.
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/50
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