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Назва: Correlation analysis in the triger modeling process
Автори: Sherban, Tetyana D.
Щербан, Тетяна Дмитрівна
Korniienko, Inokentii O.
Корнієнко, Інокентій Олексійович
Voronova, Olga Yu.
Воронова, Ольга Юріївна
Yamchuk, Taisayu.
Ямчук, Таїсія Юріївна
Ключові слова: reflection
professional reflection
structural model of professional reflection
trigger modeling
професійна рефлексія
структурна модель професійної рефлексії
тригерне моделювання
Дата публікації: 2020
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article reflects the study results of the search for trigger points in the process of trigger modeling for the development of psychological properties that are components of professional development. Based on the theoretical analysis, a model of the three-component psychological structure of professional reflection of preschool education specialists has been identified: cognitive-operational, motivational-emotional and behavioral-evaluative. Reflection is considered as a human ability to arbitrarily manipulate images in the internal plane and direct a beam of awareness to those objects and mechanisms that, as a rule, remain unconscious. Professional reflection (that is, the focus of consciousness on oneself as a specialist, on the content of one's professional actions, in the performance of professional tasks) is an important factor in professionalism, competenc e, professional maturity, as it increases the efficiency of solving a wide range of everyday pedagogical tasks. Professional reflection is an important mechanism of the process of selfregulation both at the operational-technical and motivational levels, since it allows a person to take an external position in relation to himself/herself and his/her actions, which makes their conscious regulation possible. In order to confirm the professional reflection structural model of specialists of preschool education institutions, a factor analysis has been carried out. Based on the results of this analysis, 4 factors have been identified that take into account the structural units of the three-component model. To search for sensitive triggers for the development of reflection in the context of the proposed three-component model, a correlation analysis has been carried out using the r-Pearson correlation criterion. Based on the results of correlation analysis, it is possible to design the development of the reflectivity of future kindergarten teachers by developing the qualities-triggers. A program of integrative training of professional reflection has been developed, that is aimed at the implementation of psychological conditions and the development of professional reflection in three vectors: cognitive-operational, motivational-emotional and behavioral-evaluative, which involves the development of certain reflective skills in the field of professional activity of future kindergarten teachers of preschool educational institutions.
Опис: Sherban T. D. Correlation analysis in the triger modeling process / Tetyana D. Sherban, Inokentii O. Korniienko, Olga Yu. Voronova, Taisayu Yamchuk // International Jornal of Scientific & Technologi Research : scientific jornal. - 2020. - №9. Том1. - C.1737-1742.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/4790
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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