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dc.contributor.authorProkopovych, Lidiia-
dc.contributor.authorПрокопович, Лідія Сигізмундівна-
dc.contributor.authorPopovych, Nadiia-
dc.contributor.authorПопович, Надія Ференцівна-
dc.contributor.authorKurylo, Oleksandra-
dc.contributor.authorКурило, Олександра Йосипівна-
dc.descriptionProkopovych L. National and regional specifications of nonverbal communication means / L. Prokopovych, N. Popovych, O. Kurylo // Міжнародний науковий журнал «ОСВІТА І НАУКА» / ред. кол.: Т.Д. Щербан (гол. ред.); заст. гол. ред.: Jerzy Piwowarski; В.В. Гоблик. – Мукачево-Ченстохова: РВВ МДУ; Гуманістично-природничий університет ім. Яна Длугоша в місті Ченстохові, 2019. – Вип. 2(27), Ч.1. - С.133-137en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the national and regional specificity of non-verbal means of communication. The definitions of notions «culture of language», «verbal communication», «nonverbal communication» are given. The relevance of topic of the study is conditioned by the fact that cultural, psychological, national characteristics of the people can not affect their business culture, and can not affect the culture‘s communication and interaction. The differences of cultures can be quite significant and relate to language, etiquette rules, stereotypes of behavior, usage of certain means of communication. The purpose of the article is to characterize the national and regional specificity of non-verbal communication in a multicultural world. The basic methodological principle of the research is an interpretative methodology that helped to define the functions of language in the society, and specific methods and techniques: descriptive, comparative, comparative. The study found out that in addition to language, there are other means of communication. People exchange information through gestures, facial expressions, looks, postures, body movements, which are called non-verbal (nonverbal) means of communication. The main attention is given to some kinetic non-verbal means that are considered in the context of national traditions. Engaging with foreign partners is always a clash of different national cultures. Just because of the lack of awareness in this issue some contacts with representatives of different countries result in misunderstandings and sometimes conflicts. At the stage of implementation of contacts, certain national peculiarities of individual peoples are revealed. These features should be taken into account preparing for any negotiations with foreigners and their actions should be adjusted accordingly. We see the prospect of further research in the study and analysis of national and regional specificities of verbal communication.en_US
dc.publisherРВВ МДУ; Гуманістично-природничий університет ім. Яна Длугоша в місті Ченстоховіen_US
dc.subjectlanguage cultureen_US
dc.subjectmulticultural worlden_US
dc.subjectverbal communicationen_US
dc.subjectnon-verbal communicationen_US
dc.subjectкультура мовиen_US
dc.subjectполікультурний світen_US
dc.subjectвербальне спілкуванняen_US
dc.subjectневербальне спілкуванняen_US
dc.titleNational and regional specifications of nonverbal communication meansen_US
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