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Title: Topicality of study world literature in the system of humanitarian sciences
Authors: Hubash, Diana
Губаш, Д.
Rozman, Iryna
Розман, Ірина Іллівна
Keywords: actuality
works of art
specificity of teaching
cultural heritage
foreign literature
твори мистецтва
специфіка викладання
культурна спадщина
зарубіжна література
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: РВВ МДУ; Гуманістично-природничий університет ім. Яна Длугоша в місті Ченстохові
Abstract: The article states that works of foreign literature contribute to the development of spirituality and aesthetic attitude of man to the world. The importance of the influence of the works on the formation of our own thought, the ability to perceive and comprehend the beauty of the surrounding world, to promote a better understanding of the people around us, their experiences, aspirations, hopes and hopes are highlighted. It is emphasized that without literary heritage, humanity would not have known factual information about the lives of famous people, both past and present. It is recommended to study literary masterpieces in order to form worldviews about human feelings, life and life in different historical and cultural epochs. The focus is on globalization and liberalization of Ukrainian education and its restructuring on the basis of personality-oriented pedagogy. It is stated that literature is the way to formation of non-repressive consciousness and non-conformism.
Description: Hubash D. Topicality of study world literature in the system of humanitarian sciences / D. Hubash , I. Rozman //Міжнародний науковий журнал «ОСВІТА І НАУКА» / ред. кол.: Т. Д. Щербан (гол. ред.); заст. гол.ред.: Jerzy Piwowarski; В.В. Гоблик. – Мукачево-Ченстохова: РВВ МДУ; Гуманістично-природничий університетім. Яна Длугоша в місті Ченстохові, 2019. – Вип. 2(27), Ч.1. - С. 87-90
URI: http://dspace.msu.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/4664
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