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Titel: A Research of State Regulation of Stock Exchange in Ukraine:Significance and Growth for Economic Development
Autoren: Reznik, N. P.
Gupta, S. K.
Sakovska, O. M.
Ostapchuk, A. D.
Demyan, Y. Yu.
Дем'ян, Ярослава Юріївна
Stichwörter: Stock Market
Stock Market Activity
Economic Activity
Regulation of Stock Market
фондовий ринок
активність фондового ринку
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Herausgeber: India
Zusammenfassung: The theme of the stock market is on the level of development in some countries. It faces several problems for the first time, and there are no mechanisms for its overcoming. There are offers on how to overcome the most widespread problems of countries where the stock market start to develop. The central part is belonging to state intervention and the formation of legislative bases. Due to methods of analysis and generalisation, the article offers measures and mechanism of action for countries which have the same problems as Ukrainian. This research can be applied as it is or become the basis for the development of new recommendations for the regulation of stock market activity.
Beschreibung: Reznik N. I. A Research of State Regulation of Stock Exchange in Ukraine:Significance and Growth for Economic Development / N. I. Reznik, S. K. Gupta, O. M. Sakovska [et al.] // International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology : bi-monthly international journal. - India, 2019. - Volume-8, Issue-6. - P. 3851-3857. [Scopus].
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