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Titel: Some aspects of manufacturing shoe leather with natural minerals
Autoren: Kozar, O.
Козарь, Оксана Петрівна
Mokrousova, O.
Wozniak, B.
Petrus, B.
Петрус, Борис Борисович
Stichwörter: leather
polyfunctional properties
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015
Zusammenfassung: The technological processes of leather manufacture with modified mineral dispersion have been suggested. The results of experimental studies will allow to create a series of multifunctional materials of leather finishing after retanning on the basis of natural minerals montmorilonite and zeolite, the leather with improved properties will be developed, the use of raw materials and chemical materials will be more efficient, reducing the burden on the environment, and in general, the production efficiency will improve along the competitiveness in the domestic and global markets. The application of mineral dispersions in leather production, using different technological processes, allows developing environmentally eco-friendly technology.
Beschreibung: Some aspects of manufacturing shoe leather with natural minerals / O. Kozar, O. Mokrousova, B. Wozniak, B. Petrus // Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. - Мукачево : Карпатська вежа, 2015. - №19 (14). - С.35-41
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Статті

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